Fire Crew Visit
Fire trucks and firemen are very fascinating to tamariki of all ages. Today our centre was lucky enough to have the Anzac Fire Station team come and visit us here at Best Start Wainoni. We believe that with the local community fire service visiting the centre is a great way to engage learning about fire safety and getting to know people in the community who can help us.
There was so much excitement as the truck pulled up, all tamariki ran to the fort to watch as the fire truck pulled into the car park. The fireman got out of the truck waving to all tamariki, it was like some celebrities had arrived. They came in and shared some safety tips and strategies with us. It was so good to hear that so many of our families have fire detectors in their homes.
One of the firemen then demonstrated all the special protective gear they wear to keep themselves safe while fighting fire. It all looked so heavy. They demonstrated how the hose was used by aiming it at a traffic cone it was so powerful it knocked the cone straight down. The tamariki were next it was like a dream come true for some of them, they got to have a turn using the hose. There was so much excitement on their faces.