First Steps Newmarket's Parent Information Evening
On Friday 22nd February 2019, the teaching team of First Steps Newmarket invited all our parents and whānau to our first Parent Information Evening of the school year. The teachers shared our centre’s Strategic Plans for this year with all our parents. We also discussed our centre’s philosophy, goals and action plans for children’s positive learning outcomes. The teachers taught the parents about our new online planning and documentation system designed to capture and follow your child’s learning journey in the centre through StoryPark. The families were all involved as they shared their input, suggestions and feedback during our Parent Information Evening. It was such a pleasure working alongside our parents, hearing them share stories about their child’s interests at home and giving suggestions on how we can continue to improve our programme and curriculum through our strategic plans.
At First Steps Newmarket, we value each parent as an important part of their child’s overall growth and development, and with this in mind, we encourage and provide opportunities for parent participation. This can be in the form of attending special planned parent functions such as our Parent Evenings which help them to extend and improve their participation in their child’s learning.