Focus on current interests

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In our Pukeko room we have been focusing on children’s individual interest and providing them with a variety of experiences. A few of the children have been showing a lot of interest in animals and to extend their learning and to provide them with an opportunity to have real life experiences, we had little bunny Phantom visiting us. Children learn about how to care for the animals and learn to respect them.  Our pepe’s also enjoy blowing bubbles it is a fun experience for the children and they love it. It also helps with eye tracking skills which are a necessary prerequisite for reading. They foster social skills where children are working alongside each other in parallel play, a fore runner of group play.

In our Tui room, children have been showing a lot of interest in physical play and to support them to extend their interest, we have been providing them with a variety of experiences such as gardening, and hula hoops. Physical play is very important for children they as they allow children to use their energy and gives children an opportunity to develop gross motor skills, fine motor skills as well as learn new things and build social skills. We have been also spending a lot of time in our backyard garden and children are enjoying running in the green grass.