Focus on schemas
Currently in the pēpē room we are using schemas to support the nga tamariki learning and development and we are using these as a foundation to support core learning and developmental milestones. A big focus currently is supporting nga tamariki gross motor development and the schemas positioning and trajectory support this. The positioning schema is about the tamariki positioning, ordering or arranging objects or themselves. The trajectory schema is about the tamariki moving their arms, legs and bodies in vertical and horizontal motions.
To support this focus in the pēpē room one of the teachers facilitated a balloon swatting experience, encouraging the nga tamariki to use their hand eye coordination to swat the balloons hanging from the ribbon. Nga tamariki were encouraged to position their bodies in a way that enabled them to connect the fly swat with the balloons. They moved their bodies in trajectory movements, through waving their arms left and right up and down using the fly swats. More than their gross motor skills being developed we saw tuakana teina skills being developed through the older tamariki demonstrating to our younger tamariki how to use the fly swats to connect with the balloons and in no time at all they all were engaging in this experience together.