Frosty Fun

Frosty Fun

We have been celebrating winter this month, and the kaiako have been planning fun experiences that tamariki could explore inside and outside the classroom. 

Some tamariki were wrapped up warm and headed into the community over to Queens park. This is where they can explore the wooded area and learn about our local environment and the animals found in our local animal sanctuary.

 Back at Kelvin Street, the kaiako planned exciting experiences and activities where they could use their fine and gross motor skills to explore. Experiences such as ice and messy play enable the tamariki to practice their fine motor skills to manipulate the resources between their fingers, practising their hand-eye coordination and problem-solving and reasoning skills, and during this time, they can practice their social skills through communication with others.

The tamariki also practice their gross motor skills through climbing, jumping, and running, using resources like carpentry tools, music and movement resources like the parachute. During this, the tamariki confidence grows when they learn to control their bodies by developing their large muscles, strength, coordination, and balance. Physical play helps children develop their motor skills and strengthens their concentration and thinking skills. Tamariki are also improving their attention, problem-solving, and persistence skills.

In winter, Tamariki are able to explore experiences where they can investigate the properties of water, learn basic science, and experience the natural weather and environment and being able to connect this to Ranginui, Papatuanuku, and our place within this world.