Fun filled June!

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In the month of June, babies enjoyed celebrating the world ocean day and also participated in simple activities such as painting, creating their sensory ocean table, balloon game, sea creature game music and more. The children used their sense of touch to find the small sea creatures in the jelly bags and these simple activities helped children to develop their social skills while working alongside others.

For toddlers, June month has been full of music, dance and fun learning activities. This month the children have also enjoyed learning about Matariki by taking part in Matariki mat times, singing lots of Matariki songs and doing plenty of Matariki art. Children have been forming bonding with their peers with the means of several group learning experiences.

In the Pohutukawa room, children showed curiosiy to explore different learning opportunities and tried to problem solve in different ways that supports their routines and play and thus become responsible for their own learning.   Also as we believe in child-based learning, children were engaged in different dialogues and giving own their views on how their room rules should look like.

For older children as well this month had been full of fun and exploration. We focused on children’s interest in learning more about Matariki and planets. Thus, to extend on that interest, we had an excursion to Stardome. It was also one of our attempts to extend our links to the community and involve our parents in children’s learning. Nature has been the core of all the learning experiences this month. Children were into planting, revamping the garden and the outdoor environment. Learning about nature, the surroundings is getting extended with the means of different activities which is helping children gain a sense of responsibility towards their environment.