Fun Filled October!

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We had such a busy month with som many activitiesd and fun events. See what we did below:

Moon Festival 

We have been exploring the 'Moon Festival' also known as 'Mid-Autumn festival' which is traditionally celebrated around Asia at this time of year. Our learning has had a focus on our tamariki's cultural heritage of; Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese- as each country has some different traditions and customs. 

We have been looking at posters and photographs which teach us some of the how's and why's of this occasion and found out that in China it is often celebrated with a family dinner, lantern games and eating moon cake. We were very lucky as Audrey's family brought in a collection of special moon cakes for us to observe. Children also had the opportunity to try out making lanterns which we have displayed alongside our fairy lights so that they light up beautifully. 

Kumi taught us about the meaning behind Moon festival in Japan- where it is said that a little bunny rabbit is working hard in the moon to harvest the crops to make 'rice cake' to eat. It is a joy to learn about our families unique cultures through each of these experiences.

French language day 

Today we are exploring French language and Audrey, whose father speaks French at home, is helping out and being a teacher by showing us an animal poster and practicing the names in French. We have also been greeting each other with ‘Bonjour’ and learning how to say our names and ages too. It has been so much fun getting creative through finger painting. We’ve been making Spring time art work with features such as fleur (flower), soleil (sun), papillon (butterfly), coccinelle (ladybird) and chenille (caterpillar.) 

Thanks to Albert, Audrey’s papa, who shared with us a few French songs which we have been laughing and dancing to this morning as well! 

Dinosaur stomp day

As a part of our special Dinosaur stomp day, children were involved in a dramatic play, enacting the story called ’Stomp’. The children followed the actions of dinosaurs in the book like roaring, jumping ,crawling, swinging and more! We also tried our hand at Dinosaur footprint painting by stomping our creatures across a long piece of paper which left some wonderful marks behind. The dinosaurs enjoyed their bubble bath afterwards! Thank you to Owen and his Granny Victoria for sharing their favourite bedtime book and inspiring us with this fun day.