Fun in Feb
Kiwi Ruma / Kiwi Room
Last week we ate a lot of bananas here at preschool. Kaiako Tayla cut up the banana skin and took it outside. Kaiako Simon was sitting outside with a bucket ready to feed the worms! During this experience we are learning to care for the world around us and living creatures. We can ask questions eg: What do worms like to eat? We are taking turns feeding, looking and sharing our ideas.
Tau ke kiwi whānau!
Kea Ruma / Kea Room
Wow!! What excitement we had when we discovered something tangled in the Lavender bush. We crept up with Sandra to find the mystery surprise….. after some more investigation and a sighting from Lucy, we found a second pumpkin! It’s great for the tamariki to literally see the fruit of their labour. It has really cemented their understanding of how we can grow food for ourselves and that they are the kaitiaki of living things. They are keen to continue to grow the garden and we are thrilled with what we can do to encourage this.
Nursery Ruma / Nursery Room
Our tamariki continue to further develop their turn taking skills. They are communicating with their peers and their kaiako, saying “ta” as they pass on an item or waiting fo a turn. When tamariki learn to take turns, they learn the basic rhythm of communication, that back-and-forth exchange between each other. What lovely manners everybody has too