Fun in the (not so) sun at Wild at Heart!

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Wow, what a cold but fun day of exploring! 

We started our day swinging like Tarzan across hills and mountains. After, we went on a walk (hikoi) to a new place in the forest where we warmed our tummy's with hot milo and a snack for energy. That energy was soon kicking in, with all the tamariki playing tug of war with the vines. 

We ran and climbed for a while before we headed to the wolf's house. The wolf was not in at first but in his garden, we played on the swings, rolled his car tyre down the hill, and explored his house. The problem is, as we played - he came back home (Alice made a great wolf). With great joy, we played the 'Wolf and Pigs' game. 

At lunchtime, we went to the green space for some warming lunch before finishing our day on the swinging tree. By being in nature and connecting with nature, we are making lasting memories about the joy of freedom. We are learning to make sense of the world we live in with all of our senses. Cold days teach us we need to keep moving to not get cold and that warm things inside us (such as milo) also make sure we can keep warm - even down to wearing hats to make sure there is no heat loss from our heads.