Fun Packed May!
Mothers Day
This month we celebrated Mother's Day in the Matai centre. The children enjoyed a week of preparation by making cards, collages, paintings, practicing their dance moves and baking heart shaped cheese scones for the special Friday occasion.
On Friday we had our Mother’s Day celebration, which was an incredible turn out, plenty of mothers and grandmothers came to celebrate. The celebration started with the children singing and dancing to the songs they had practiced; they sang happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers watching. After their performance the children then gave their special artwork and gifts which they had created throughout the week for their mothers. After the gift giving everyone went into the lounge and enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea together.
Programme Planning
The toddler and senior children have been showing their interest in creating artwork this month. The children have been creative through painting, gluing, collage making, drawing and using craft materials. The children have been exploring different art tools for their creations, such as using cotton buds for painting and natural resources for collages. They have been experimenting with colours, shapes and patterns as they express their creative ideas through their art. While the children are engaged in their art work they are developing their hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, which are specialised movements of the hands, wrists and fingers.
Drawing gives immediate visual feedback to children depending on the tool they are using and how they are using it. This helps them identify the best ways to hold the tool to gain more control and produce the desired result. Creating artwork supports children’s creativity, making physical representations of their imagination and ideas. They are discovering different ways to be creative and expressive.