Gardening in Summer


As part of our Montessori curriculum we support and encourage the children to participate in caring for their environment from a young age, caring for the environment comes under the curriculum area of practical life. 

Practical Life covers mahi such as caring for pets, caring for yourself and others and caring for the environment. This is a big part of our Montessori Environment. Our kaiako, Jenny has been working really hard at modeling to our children, how we care for our garden. 

We have been growing silver beet, broccoli, strawberries and beans and many different flowers. Over the last few weeks we have been able to taste some of the food we have harvested. The children have been enjoying our strawberries, broccoli and beans for kai times . We have had a lot of support from our parents. 

Our whānau have been volunteering their time by coming to our centre to help planting our seeds and by donating some strawberry plants and flowers. We have also had grandparents come in and share their knowledge about the garden. Our kaiako have learnt a lot from the shared knowledge. The hard mahi from our tamariki, parents, and kaiako have made our garden beautiful and our plants are thriving. 

We are excited to see what will grow next season.