Get your gumboots on
Gumboot Day, on Friday the 5th of April, was led by New Zealander of the Year, Mike King, and I Am Hope, encouraging people to wear gumboots for the day in support of children’s mental health. It's a positive and fun way for kiwis to join in the mental health conversation, while raising money to provide free and timely counselling for any kid in need. It is to show people who are struggling that they’re not alone. We all want children to feel happy, and it’s good to let them know, that if they are ever feeling sad, they can talk to people who can help them to feel better. Beststart Riccarton tamariki and kakaiko were excited to join many others across the country, to get behind Gumboot Day. Few days after, we went for a short walk to Kiwibank in Riccarton Rd to deposit the money that we collected. :) We are happy to be a part of this great cause and we will do it again next year.
Good on you, Beststart Riccarton!