Getting Set for School at BestStart St Andrews - exploring schools in our community


At  BestStart St Andrews, we thoroughly enjoy engaging with our local community. We're part of an exceptional Kaahui Ako, comprising around 15 early childhood education centers and 15 primary schools in Hamilton. This collaborative platform provides us with a fantastic opportunity to connect and synchronize our efforts. We actively participate in sessions facilitated by He Waka Eke Noa in collaboration with the Sport Waikato Team.

One of the schools within our community network is Vardon School, and we're thrilled to be part of their journey. This year, we've organized monthly visits to Vardon School, where some of our preschoolers, who are gearing up for primary school, get to experience the environment firsthand. Our little ones relish these excursions into our local community, and we're fortunate to have our own BestStart Van to facilitate these trips.

Our recent visit to Vardon School was a highlight for our four-year-olds. Though initially a bit nervous, they were warmly welcomed by the primary school students and teachers, which made them feel incredibly special. They joined in on the mat time, explored the classroom environment, and had a blast playing on the spacious outdoor playground. By the time we had to leave, they had already forged new friendships and eagerly anticipate returning next month!