Getting spooky!

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This year at Coast Boulevard we celebrated Halloween in the centre by having a spooky dress up day! This is the first time we have celebrated Halloween here and it was at the request of our local community, so we decided to embrace it across the building and all three classrooms were decorated and our tamariki came dressed up. This was our most successful themed day yet as we have never had so many amazing dress ups enter the building before!
Upon arrival our tamariki were greeted by a long dark spooky corridor where the ghostbusters theme was playing. The hallway was full of cobwebs and spiders and a dark twinkly galaxy light was shining eerily above. Down the end of the corridor was a long red rope light which resembled a snake which the tamariki loved to walk past. Once in the room, they were decorated with cobwebs, bunting and fairy lights; and after morning tea was served the lights came off and we had a Halloween disco! The music was loud and up-beat, there were glow sticks galore and dozens of orange, white and black balloons. At the end of the day a black cauldron full of marshmallows was sitting at reception for all tamariki to help themselves too on their way home.
Thank you to our wonderful community for requesting this fun day and thank you to all the whānau who organized such wonderful dress ups. A special mention has to be given to our big bad wolf and granny who came for the day!