Gifts of learning
Invitations and provocations are gifts of learning. To ensure these gifts will effectively develop and honour nga tamariki, the provocations and invitations are offered following deep consideration and with deliberate intention by the teacher.
Our Kaiako have a comprehensive understanding of the curriculum and great relationships with naga tamariki and whanua to effectively design learning invitations and provocations. The design concepts and principles employed are strongly influenced by our values and understandings.
At BestStart South Road our invitations and provocations stimulate the senses and encourage nga tamariki to explore and wonder. Both learning invitations and learning provocations engage and excite our learners. These beautiful spaces intentionally designed by our Kaiako promote investigation, discovery and provide the tamaiti an opportunity to demonstrate their conceptual understandings.
Provocations and invitations for learning are essential elements of any investigative, play based learning environment. Tamariki have an innate desire to explore, learn and understand the marvels of the world around them. Offering interesting materials in a stimulating environment enhances this innate desire. Invitations and provocations for learning are the educational right of every tamaiti and every kaiako.