Going blue for Plunket

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The month of March is always blue month for us here at BestStart Inglewood. March is when we host our annual Plunket appeal week to raise funds for Plunket as BestStart is a big supporter of Plunket. We also like to shine a light on all the amazing things Plunket dose for our local community. This year we decided to have a whole week of BLUE. We started with a Monday morning teddy bears picnic in our garden inviting all our teddies to attend. Big and small, round, and thin was just a few of our fluffy bears who so kindly attend our garden picnic. Tuesday was mega blue day with BLUE waterplay, BLUE play dough, BLUE activities, BLUE paint, just BLUE everything. Our children had a fun filled BLUE day exploring everything blue, using their senses, imagination, fine and gross motor skills, and concentration skills. Turn-taking and listening skills were also put to the test. Wednesday was our dress up day where we all got to be BLUE for the day. Tutus and hats, glitter and sparkles were all a part of this day! Thursday was all about the Blue Food! BUT Friday was the main event the big sliming of a teacher. All week our children and whanau all kindly donated money to vote for the teacher they wanted to SLIME. Throughout the week with our raffle, cake sale, slime voting and dress up donation we raised a whooping $293.50. The teacher sliming was definitely the main event and a money earner with the Centre Manager earning $53. We all watch in anticipation as buckets and more buckets of BLUE slime was poured all over our lovely Centre Manager. This was a sight to see with the children then joining in, jumping, and sliding in the slim afterwards. Oh the FUN that was had and laughter could be heard all over the centre.