Gooey Chocolate Lava

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As part of our planning around Papatūānuku and we have been following a strong child interest in prehistoric times, especially volcanoes. We have had lots of conversations and read stories about volcanoes.

Our interest in lava, joined our love for chocolate and baking; as our Kaiako Sheree and our tamariki whipped up a gooey chocolate self saucing pudding. Our tamariki started the process by washing their hands, getting all the ingredients and following the recipe. Some beautiful team work, leadership, sharing, turn taking and following instructions happened at the table.

Baking is a great way to support tamariki to follow directions and develop problem-solving skills, working with and alongside others, fine motor and eye-hand coordination skills are developing by adding, mixing, squeezing, and spreading. Baking encourages thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. It also allows opportunity to use the knowledge they have and apply it by counting, measuring, following a sequence, following directions, and cause and effect; whilst developing and extending language.