Grandparent / Kaumatua Day
On Thursday 26/04/2023 in honor of ANZAC Day, we had our annual Grandparent's / Kaumatua Day where the tamariki were able to invite their kaumatua or other significant family members to share their special place at our centre. There was a hive of activity and excitement in the air as they shared what they get up to during their days here with us. The children even helped make ANZAC biscuits which went down a treat - especially with the grandads!
We have a very active bunch of grandparents in the lives of our tamariki here at BestStart Marne Street, and while we love catching up with everyone during pick-ups and drop-offs, it was so lovely to be able to spend a little more time with everyone today and meet some more grandparents and we had fun putting faces to some of the names that appear in the comments section on Storypark.
"Children’s funds of knowledge are learnt in their whānau, communities and cultures and are brought to their early childhood setting. Funds of knowledge are gained through whānau, community and cultural practices and events, where children learn informally through observation and participation. Working together, kaiako can identify culturally responsive teaching practices, drawing upon the funds of knowledge and cultural capital of the parents and whānau they work with family and community – Whānau Tangata Children’s learning and development is enhanced when culturally appropriate ways of communicating are used, and when whānau, hapū, iwi, and community are encouraged to participate in the ECE curriculum. It is important that kaiako develop meaningful relationships with whānau and respect their aspirations for their children." (Te Whāriki, 2017)