Great explorers
During February it's been all about exploration for the the children at BestStart Glasgow Street. Water and sand have been a real focal point, with various types of water activities investigated and different ways to explore sand. This was sparked when the children put sand into water wheels. We extended this by offering the children different coloured water, different textures and different resources in order for them to explore the different properties in their own time and space. This is not only fun, it's also full of learning opportunities such as various maths concepts such as weight, measurement and volume.
The children have also been exploring an interest in magnets. This interest has been extended to our younger children through tuakana teina (older helping younger). The older children moved the resources around the room in order for our younger babies to have the opportunities to explore the magnets too. This act also allows the child to become the kaiako (teacher) and help the younger children to explore the magnetic properties. From these experiences, we have been learning about science through the draw and repulsion of magnets.