Group play creates beautiful moments
Our commitment and passion for children are at the heart of our centre's philosophy.
We believe in learning through relationships and encourage our babies in Pukeko room to learn with and alongside each other, making our learning journey a lot more fun and meaningful.
According to Te Whāriki, 2017 - group play allows children to learn the limits and boundaries of acceptable behaviours.
Over the last couple of weeks, we have been focusing on helping our young pepi to build relationships and learn to interact with one another in the Pukeko room.
Our older Pepi has done a beautiful mahi in demonstrating Tuakana/teina as they are very helpful and caring; they love helping the teachers to look after the younger babies and also offering and sharing toys.
We are absolutely proud of them for developing dispositions such as taking responsibility, empathy and showing initiative. By interacting with their peers, they can further develop their communication skills; most importantly, they learn how to show respect for others and learn to share. Ka Pai our Pepi!
Here are some of the beautiful moments we captured of our Pepi bonding and playing with their peers and Kaiako.