Group Time Fun!


Group times are a huge interest for our Nīkau tamariki. Whenever they see one of the Kaiako go and get the mat, they will rush over and find a spot. Ngā tamariki are learning different sounds and words, through rhythm and rhyme tamariki are developing language and early literacy skills within these group times. This is also a great chance for them to use their imaginations and stimulate curiosity. 

It has been so wonderful to see ngā tamariki so excited for the group times as they are learning to appreciate and participate in a range of stories, rhymes, and songs. Children are welcomed to the mat where they can simply sit and listen to the stories and songs. Listening to the stories or songs promotes their language development and communication skills. 

There are many benefits to introducing children to books and songs from a young age. Our group times help children get to know sounds, words, and language, and develop early literacy skills. It also sparks children's imagination and curiosity. Within the group times, ngā tamariki are learning turn-taking and patience, while also showing that they have an understanding of the routines. Group times are loved across all the rooms, but especially in our Nīkau room.