Growing Archaeologists


Today, we did a fun experience where the tamariki got to be an archaeologist. What we had to do was use the brush to dust the sand away to slowly discover a hidden artifact underneath the sand. Once the artefact became visible, the tamariki then used their magnifying glass to observe what was slowly becoming visible. Once fully uncovered, the rock discovered was placed into a separate tray ready for work on the next artefact. The tamariki were really excited during this experience. They were super gentle with their brush while they brushed the sand away to find the different artefacts in the sand, and then they got the magnifying glass out to determine what they had found. Once found, the tamariki told me all about what they found. The tamariki were excited to tell me that they had found heaps of different kinds of bugs! Once they had uncovered all of the artefacts, the tamariki put their growing numeracy skills to use and counted up all of their findings. "One, two, three, four, five!" they all said as they counted their bugs. Tamariki, you are amazing archaeologists, and your growing numeracy skills are also blossoming through this fun of searching for artifacts in the sand. You are all also strengthening your fine motor skills as you hold and gently use the brush to dust the sand off the delicate artifacts to determine what you have discovered.