Growth and Change
The coronavirus leading to the nationwide lockdown appeared to have been an intense learning and development for all involved - tamariki, whanau, kaiako, NZ and the world. It certainly was a moment of growth which attributed to everyone looking for guidance and support from our leaders; from the government and then BestStart leaders. The support has been tremendous, the leadership superb, the learning profound and the growth unprecedented. It showcased everyone's resilience to change. As this change was abrupt, we certainly navigated through it with great uncertainty yet with enthusiasm and squeezing out every ounce of fun every day ‘en route’. We acquired new and different strategies of teaching and learning through e-learning via Storypark.
We returned to our centre on 28th April under Level 3 and began our ‘new normal’ on 18th May when all children returned to our centre; quite energetic and eager to ‘get on with life’. Though we’re wary of this change we press on with vigour. Our activities and events throughout the weeks included noticing changes around our learning environment (like our newly renovated classroom), learning to be grateful pertaining to real life situations to frontline workers who had to ‘go to work when we can be safe, have food to eat and lots to drink’. We celebrated International Family Day, acknowledged Pink Shirt Day and learned Samoan greetings and pese for Samoa Language Week.