Happy Diwali!


Over the past few weeks we have absolutely loved getting into the Diwali spirit. We have made heaps of beautiful colourful decorations for the classroom including working together to make a beautiful Toran to hang over the doorway. We’ve painted with rollers for our colourful lanterns, and for an extra challenge some egg carton flowers for our garland! 

We've also been trying out new flavours in our kai! Hits for our tamariki included mango lassi, vegetable and lentil curry with silver beet from the preschool garden, and sweet kalakand, which is an Indian sweet treat with cardamom, condensed milk, ricotta and sprinkles! On Tuesday we dressed up in our brightest clothing for our own celebration of Diwali and some of the kaiako were loaned some beautiful outfits from on of our families. 

We watched some rangoli being made before some of use giving it a go ourselves. Celebrating Diwali, and a range of other significant cultural events to our families, within the centre is such a beautiful way to learn about our own and others cultures, for our children to know they can be confident and proud of their language, culture, and idenitity, and know that they are valued and respected by everyone within their learning environment.