Happy Halloween from BestStart Opihi!
On Friday the BestStart Opihi preschool had a Halloween dress up day. We had some amazing costumes and characters turn up.
In the morning, we had a disco dance party. The tamariki had lots of fun singing, and dancing. The children were excited to express their creativity, use their gross and fine motor skills and have fun with each other.
In the afternoon, we watched ' Hotel Transylvania' as a special end of the week treat. This was a great chance to slow down and relax with each other after a busy morning.
In between the disco and movie, we made lots of Halloween crafts. The tamariki used their scissor skills to cut out spooky characters and stick their bodies together.
During Kiwi group, we made trick or treating bags that got beautifully decorated by our four year old tamariki.
The tamariki have enjoyed making and creating decorations throughout the week. What a great way to end October!