Happy New Year!

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This month we have noticed a great interest in children enjoying the reading area and reading books to each other for our 2-3 year old age group this is an exciting area to see them develop in as the books and reading supports communication both verbal and nonverbal, storytelling and helps build on the early stage of Be School Ready. 

Another area favourite was the new musical instruments which are loved by all and it is an all-time favourite resource. The music corner always provides us with a new insight into our children’s learning, it can be an area where our children really explore their individuality and express their thoughts and feelings in such a magical way. 

Thanks to the amazing weather we have had this summer our children have also spent lots of time outdoors – waterplay has been a must despite having to limit our usage due to Auckland Water restrictions we have ensured that this didn’t 

We look forward to what February has in store for our learning.