Hari Kirihimete


Hari kirihimete, Christmas at Best Start Stokes Valley is all about whānau and fun, our local curriculum principles are well represented throughout December as whanaungatanga (sense of family) is huge we check in see what holidays everyone has planned, we have our annual tamariki photo shoot to give to our parents and we have our centre Christmas party. We are blessed to be part of shoebox Christmas where the community donate a present to a tamariki based on their age and culture, we share with ngā tamariki that this is because our community know they are part of the community now and they are the future of the community. 

This gift programme shows maanaki between the centre and the community as well as special relationships and ensuring our tamariki feel important and part of a wider community. Ako is very present through how we all learn from each other about different whānau traditions and cultures around Christmas time. 

As tamariki sit daily making arts and crafts they share their stories about Christmas, their memories and what they plan to do this year, making Christmas cards and singing carols is popular in te ruma kea and in te ruma tūī songs and decorations delight and inspire pēpi.