Having lots of hammering fun


In our preschool and prep room environment,  one of our goals for the New Year was to revamp our carpentry table.  We started by having discussions with our tamariki about what they would like to make, as we focus on a child-led environment and what new equipment, wood and nails we would need.

The day the boxes of wood and nails arrived,  we opened them with such enthusiasm and excitement.  Our tamariki were quick to put on their hard hats (safety first) and have a turn at making something amazing to take home to share with their whanau.

Throughout our carpentry experiences, it has been great to see tuakana teina relationships being established as our older tamariki encouraged and supported our younger tamariki to complete their work.

There are many life-long skills our tamariki are demonstrating and learning while participating, such as turn taking, perseverance, determination and building confidence.  I know the kaiako have had a great time at the carpentry table, seeing the proud looks on our children's faces when they have finished creating what they chose to make.  

Click here to learn more about how carpentry can support your child's learning and development.