Health and Wellbeing


Welcome to the Tarawera Olympics, On your mark, get set and go!! Today the Tarawera room (4 year old preschool), had an Olympic sack race. They all lined up at the start line, and away they went. As they bounced along the co-ordination they all had to use tested their skills. This sack race allowed for our Tamariki to be a part of a team, understand they need to be aware of space around them, use all their muscles to hold the sack and jump at the same time. 

Here at BestStart Pukuatua we also hold a gold healthy heart award from the heart foundation so, this sack race was also a great work out for the heart. We understand how important exercise is for the heart and how important it is for our tamariki to get as much exercise as possible. This sack race was so much fun for our tamariki but, the learning was even more valuable. It allowed for working together, fun, strength, understanding, turn taking and all the other skills that are needed for a life long learning journey. 

Here at Best Start Pukuatua we are passionate about setting our Tamariki up for a life of success, come and see this for yourself!