Healthy Bodies, Active Minds


In the Kowhai centre, we focus on healthy heart activities to promote our Hauora development. Our centre has regular physical activities and movements through daily exercise programmes designed to help your child learn to balance and develop small and large muscle skills. This also develops body health and brain development. This is very important as we incorporate key pillars of well-being which are physical, social and emotional development. It also helps to promote psychological well-being. 

We involve our children in physical activities like riding bikes, sack races, balancing activities, dancing to music, and exercises which help develop their strength, balance, control of body movements, flexibility, and helps them to self-regulate their emotions. We also provide children with cooking opportunities like making healthy sandwiches and baking. 

At mat times we teach and talk to children about the benefits of eating green vegetables, fruit, and drinking lots of water. While talking about fruits and vegetables we teach them the Maori names, incorporating biculturalism and helping them learn literacy skills. It also gives them freedom of choice as to what they would like to eat, while giving them the responsibility to care for their own well-being and eating healthy food.