Holistic Learning and Development


Kaiako at BestStart Greenwood Street works alongside tamariki to bring out the best version of each child. Creative and colorful activities that are woven along the Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) create a fun-filled learning and development environment for each child. Playing waiata and rhymes related to different cultures and seasons helps children learn about their own culture, as well as others. Art, science, social and physical activities to support a child's holistic development are vital parts of our everyday planning. The social and emotional well-being of children is considered with the most care and priority. Energetic and interactive mat times nurture the relationship of tamariki to one another and to their kaiako. Reciprocal and responsive engagement of kaiako with tamariki and their whānau reflects the tikanga value whanaungatanga in our whāre. Our centre hosts various wānanga sessions with whānau to guide them in their child's learning journey. Understanding that each child comes with a mana and they are born tapu creates the base for respectful care and teaching practices. Along with that, the whakapapa of each child is acknowledged and celebrated through their ILPs and various activities in the centre. This strengthens the vision of our centre "Connected by our roots".