Home is Where the Heart is

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Here at Beststart Roydvale we provide meals that have that homely feel. On arriving you are greeted daily by the enticing smells drifting from the kitchen as our onsite Qualified chief Jamie prepares a hearty home cooked meal for lunches, including certified Hala options and yummy baking for snack meals. 

These hot meals provide a balance of nutrition with a variety of vegetables, seasonings and amazing taste – even our macaroni cheese has cauliflower mixed in! Through these meals tamariki explore various cultural options and ways to enjoy kai as we have an onsite herb garden that the tamariki have grown for use in our meals. Some of the favourite meals at our centre are the Tuscan chicken, chickpea curry and the fish pie. 

Our mealtimes at Roydvale are a reflection of ritual as tamariki and kaiako take that time to talk about the morning exploration and activities and of course the yummy kai they are eating. Tamariki in our Kakano (Nursery) are supported to develop and practice their fine motor skills and hand eye coordination by using their spoons to feed themselves, in Tupu (preschool) tamariki take the role of serving others with pride as a helper hands out the servings to their friends before enjoying their own meal, in Mahuri (prep room) they foster the independence and choice as the tamariki are served.