Hosting our Local Member of Parliament


Yesterday morning we were lucky enough to have one of our local government MPs' Rachel Brooking visit our centre, spending some time in our Puawai classroom. Our Puawai classroom welcomed Rachel and her advisor John into our centre by singing two of their favourite songs, one about some of the sea creatures found in our local waters and the other about Matariki, showcasing our cultural identity and connection to our local environment. 

During her visit, she shared with us some insights into the Beehive and her job in supporting our community and looking after our environment, like our oceans and fisheries and we shared some of the things that we have been doing in our space as a part of our sustainability journey. Having the opportunity to talk about BestStarts' commitment to sustainability and our learning journey as part of our Kaitiaki of Sustainable Futures programme was a great way for our children to share their understanding of our sustainability principles and practices through their eyes, while also enjoying the chance to engage with members of our wider community. 

Our tamariki loved the opportunity to engage with the Hon. Rachel Brooking, as we learnt about how different people participate and contribute to our community. We always enjoy having visitors, and we loved hosting our new friends Rachel and John and are looking forward to seeing them back to visit another day.