Ice Exploration
As part of our current group focus, exploring a range of sensory experiences, we decided to explore some ice on a hot day. Kaiako (teachers) place some different coloured ice and ice with items inside for pepe to explore on the grass, making it accessible for all ages and stages. Pepe (babies) loved the feeling of the ice as they explored with their hands and toes. Pepe were drawn to the brightly coloured ice blocks and very inquisitive of the objects stuck in the block. Some pepe were trying to understand how to get the items out of the block of ice. Once the ice began to melt they were able to see that they could then get the objects out and play with the puddles of water.
Through this experience pepe had an opportunity to learn about cause and effect as they watched the ice turn from a solid to a liquid which allowed the objects in the ice to become free. It enabled them to problem solve and experiment as they explored. This experience stimulated the sense of touch which is important for strengthening different pathways to the brain in recognising an object to how it feels.
Kaiako made sure to make this an open ended experience where pepe were able to explore the ice the way they wanted to explore. There was lots of encouragement, descriptive words, praise and modelling.