Imaginative dress up play

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Dressing up in costumes is an important type of play that every child needs to experience. Children seek it out naturally. Today your kids will play as pirates, tomorrow they are superheroes, the next day lords and ladies at a tea party. 

When children play dress up, they root their imaginative stories in reality for a short while, giving them a chance to explore it more thoroughly The costumes they use reinforce the scenarios so that these rituals have profound positive effects on their development. 

Last week we had a fun character dress-up day, and it was so great to see all the children having so much fun and confidence in their favorite dress-ups! There were some very creative book characters which was a lot of fun and the children were all so excited to share their ideas, stories, and knowledge with each other! 

The teaching team values fun experiences like this and loves to participate and role model that it's okay to dress up, be different, and have some fun!