Innovation Award

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We are so proud here at BestStart Buchanans Road that we were awarded BestStart's first ever Innovation Award this year for the South Island!

We did a lot of work in partnership with our families as we developed our philosophy and vision of which relationships are at the core of all that we do. Relationships with tamariki, whanau and our team.

We then moved on to doing some work around the importance of Resilience and Well-being in young children. We provided a parent evening about this topic and followed this up with the creation of some Feelings and Emotions games and resources that our families are able to borrow to take home and play together, which help to build up the skills needed by children to develop resilience. Our families have responded so well to these resources with the tamariki often asking their parents if they can take a game home.

We can't wait to continue to build up and extend our resources. We have lots of ideas!