Insects in the Kaitiaki

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Insects in the Kaitiaki This month the tamariki in the kaitiaki room have been really interested in exploring creepy crawlers in our garden. The interest was sparked when one of our Kaiako brought in a monarch butterfly they found in a spider’s web. We all then became entomologist’s as we investigated the butterfly’s body. 

During the exploration of the butterfly, we had lots of questions such as: How many insects are there? Do all insects have wings? Why do insects die? Why did the spider kill the butterfly? We then did lots of research together as a classroom to get to the bottom of all these fantastic questions. 

During our hui times we read books to learn more about the insects that live in our backyards. We explored a wide range of resources within the classroom to extend on this investigation. The tamariki then took this topic out into the playground as they searched for different insects hiding in our environment. 

We even had a special visitor from the Canterbury Museum who further extended on this current interest. Our visitor brought in some awesome insect costumes for us to try on. We even got to look at cases full of a range of different preserved insects. The children’s favourite case was full of different types of beetles.