Inspiring tamariki through Loose Parts Play -
At BestStart Glenfield we have a strong emphasis on loose parts play and value the learning loose parts bring to every area of our environment. We believe in learning through play and we provide an environment where tamariki are given the opportunity to discover, investigate and experiment.
Through rich experiences, laughter, and fun, kaiako tune into the unique curiosities of our tamariki and are in a position to create deep learning opportunities that awaken the child’s natural desire to learn. Loose parts’ are ordinary, everyday, open-ended materials that can be manipulated and used in various ways, moved, carried, shared, combined, and taken apart in various configurations and designs. There are no specific directions accompanying the materials and many various outcomes are possible from their use.
Loose parts are open-ended often recycled materials such as bottle tops, tubes, pipe cleaners, wheels, stones, pebbles, corks, lids, containers, cups, sticks, material pieces, leaves, ribbons, ropes, buttons, shells, etc… We encourage and empower our tamariki to be creative across all areas through loose parts. Loose parts play supports invention, divergent thinking, and problem-solving and offers a sense of wonder for our tamariki. We have found these to open the mind's imagination, creativity and broaden oral communication. You can find a variety of loose parts covering all curriculum areas throughout our environment at Beststart Glenfield.