Investigative Learning at BestStart Kensington Crossing

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As part of the Mako room Term 2 inquiry learning the Tamariki were given a chance to design their own beanies by colouring a beanie template with colours of their choice. One of our awesome Rūma Mako parents, Vanessa took the completed templates home and made woollen beanies with her new knitting machine. The Kaiako lead an Investigation with the tamariki about where wool comes from, they discovered the fibre comes from sheep and can be made into clothes, carpet, blankets, insulation and even used to soak up oil spills. Susan lent us her book about Shrek the sheep which I read snipperts to the class. 

Shrek became world famous after being caught in 2004 after avoiding being caught and shorn for six years hiding in caves. Whaea Karen was so impressed with what Vanessa was doing, she decided to bring in her spinning wheel to share with the tamariki. A spinning wheel design is thousands of years old and spins the wool fibre into an unbroken, continuous strand of yarn. A long time ago, making clothes took a long time so people didn't have as many clothes as they do now. Nothing was wasted so clothes were mended and repaired time and time again. 

Our journey with wool began as an art project and has now developed into a technology investigation. The technology project on Wool has had a very exciting end with Vanessa bringing in the end results from the tamariki pictures. Each tamariki was gifted their hat with their picture attached to the front. All the tamariki were so happy, the beanies are very bright, colourful and amazing. It's been a fascinating journey from learning about where wool comes from, how the sheep are sheared and how the wool is processed. 

The tamariki who had a go with a spinning wheel and seeing the result of their colouring template created into a wonderful Kākahu. Link to tewhariki: Belonging- Links to the wider world are affirmed and extended.