It's citrus season
Have you ever taken a bite out of a lemon? You're probably a pro at other fruits like apples and pears, but lemons pack a wilder punch. Does anyone actually enjoy the tart, sour taste of an unsweetened lemon? Do you? In this project, we found out if there's a difference between the way adults and kids taste sour with a lemonade taste test.
It's citrus season, and we have ample lemons and oranges on our trees, so we wanted to test the different tastes.
We started by squeezing the lemons, and this was a great activity as it worked on fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and worked through all their senses. Then the children would pour their juice into the jug, so we had to work out how not to waste any of the juice while we poured it in.
We placed these into ice trays so we could have ice blocks the next evening.
Then Bailey brought in some oranges from his tree, and the children enjoyed squeezing, licking and tasting these. We again placed them into ice cube trays so we could freeze them for the next day.
We placed the leftovers into glasses and drank the refreshing fresh orange juice.
The tasting was a hit. Most of the children enjoyed the orange ice blocks, and only a handful enjoyed the lemons, but you could see the faces, and still, they kept placing the lemon ice cube into their mouths.
In the adult example, we had two triers, Richelle, her evidence is on the video, and she didn't enjoy the orange ice cube either, and Bailey, who tried both ice cubes, preferred the orange ice cube.