It's great to be back!
We were so happy to welcome back all of our precious taonga, whanau and educators back to BestStart Omahu after what seemed like an eternity in lockdown!
We missed everyone so much and have had such a lovely return back to our centre life. In our first couple of weeks back, we have been reigniting new friendships, exploring new passions and interests and extending our learning from lockdown!
Our tamariki continue to amaze us here, and these past two weeks have shown us how resilient and grown up they have become! We have been learning so much and having a blast doing it! We have been dancing and playing air guitar to the forever favourite: “we will rock you” and exploring the different temperatures and textures from the changing of the season. We farewelled a lot of friends who turned five over lockdown and we wish them all the best as they start a new chapter in their lives. We are so happy to be back and continue on our special learning journey at BestStart Omahu!