Jelly, Gloop and ice cubes

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Our Tuesday Play and Stays at BestStart Parton have been a huge success. Our “Sensory Sensations” experiences have opened up wonderful learning opportunities for our Tamariki but also Tamariki and whanau within in our community.

Our Pepe are having so much fun exploring with their senses, from tasty, slippery jelly, messy gloopy goodness to icy cold ice cubes, there is an experience to suit all pepe. We promote and understand the importance of children learning through their sense. During these Play and Stays pepe can explore within a safe environment, all the while learning valuable life skills and developing their abilities to be curious and creative thinkers.

Our Teachers believe and support that the simplest way to help children engage their senses is by playing outside with nature, full of colours, movement, textures, sounds and smells. At BestStart Parton road we are able to provide these opportunities for learning with our big beautiful back yard and whanau garden and through our play and stays for our Pepe with “sensory sensations”.  The desire to engage with sensory play comes naturally for children and should be encouraged and supported.