Ko wai ahau? Who am I?

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Sharing ngā pukapuka/books is amazing for the development of our tamariki. Children need to be exposed to lots of language and through sharing stories and looking at books together, tamariki are able to enjoy meaningful interactions with their kaiako/teachers, hear home languages being spoken and see images from their own and other cultures. To support all the benefits of ngā pukapuka/books for tamariki, our nursery team at BestStart Buchanans Road have developed a special book for each tamaiti/child which is all about who they are, based on their pepeha and showing where they are from. The team have worked closely with whānau/family to find out the important places for each whānau and have used images of these places in the books, e.g. marae, awa/river and maunga/mountain. Tamariki love to look through these books both with their kaiako as well as independently, and especially love seeing their own photo on the front and pointing out their friends photos on their books too! These special books provide a great opportunity for kaiako to use the languages and imagery that is cherished by whānau and really demonstrate how it is valued at our preschool through meaningful and natural interactions between kaiako and tamaiti.