Language and literacy exploration

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Here at Montessori Otumoetai our language curriculum is strongly evident throughout all aspects of children’s learning. This is not only through the use of our Montessori language materials but also within our everyday routine. Conversations, interactions, exploration, games to name a few, all promote enriched language learning opportunities.

We focus on learning the letters phonetic sound rather than the letters name as this is what the children hear when hearing words. This helps the child’s phonetic awareness and what they hear and see in everyday conversations, text, and books. There are many Montessori materials we introduce to the child to support this such as sound games, where we introduce beginning, middle and end sounds. The Sandpaper Letters where children learn the phonetic sound of each letter and the formation of each letter through the tactile impression of the sandpaper, preparing for future writing skills. Using the Large Moveable Alphabet to put their phonetic knowledge into reality making phonetic words. This just touches the surface of the many wonderful materials within our language area that supports children’s language development.

We believe in promoting the love of learning, building upon the child’s natural curiosity of letters, sounds, writing and reading when they are ready which strongly reflects our philosophy of “planting seeds of the future” helping children to grow into confident, capable learners.