Learn and play with bubbles at BestStart Pukuatua


Who loves bubbles? We do!!! Here at Best Start Pukuatua, we love to blow, watch and experience bubbles in a way that allows for everyone to be involved and learn through play. The art of blowing bubbles is tricky and for us to learn how to do this takes practice, time, patience and working together with our friends to make magical bubble blowing happen. 

Here, we use non-toxic bubble solution, small bubble wands and ice cream containers. We also need space, time and patience. Learning to dip the wand in the solution, holding the wand up so the mixture does not drip off and then using just the right about of breath to blow the bubble takes a lot of trial and error. 

Once we had mastered this, we watched the bubbles shoot high into the sky. Blowing bubbles helps us to strengthen our lungs, form muscles around our mouth that are important for speech, learning the difference between a hard or soft blow, we learn what big and little are through bubbles sizes and we learn something that will help us through life - Patience. You have to be so patient to blow bubbles. Bubbles can delight and inspire!