Learning about Autumn

Learning about Autumn

In the Nursery at The Cat’s Pyjamas Rolleston - Autumn has emerged as a strong focus with the tamariki particularly enjoying watching and learning about the change of seasons and seeing this in real life with the trees outside in our playground changing. There has been a lot more fallen leaves as of late and the tamariki are really enjoying exploring with the leaves in many ways and watching as they fall to the ground.

To extend on from this interest, we as kaiako promoted the tamariki participation by encouraging them to help collect the leaves outside in the playground for us to use for a hedgehog leaf collaging exercise. This sparked lots for conversation about leaves, where they came from, what colours they were and what we were going to use them for. Throughout the gluing and collaging process of this experience the tamariki were able to refine their fine motor and manipulative skills, persist with difficulty, explore and refine their own working theories, have hands on experience with nature and express themselves through creative means- all while learning more about the beautiful season of Autumn.