Learning about Sustainability
Recently children in preschool room have being reflecting on how the real-world problems of landfills and pollution make them feel, see, and smell. The children had emotive responses, some said scared some said sick some sad angry, hence we are revisiting this learning consistently with them.
We are also focusing on healthy things that Mother Earth has and what's our role in here to keep her heathy and haThrough COVID 19 lockdown 2 online learning platform, our Tamariki and Kaiako started sharing their concerns and ethic of care toward the environment. Our Tamariki have started to understand that they are the planeteirs and are here to solve the problems that are affecting the health of the Papatuanuku (Mother earth),and Ranginui (Father Sky).
Through hands on practical experiences, we trying to embed the learning that have real life meaning for our Tamariki. The practices like gardening, worm farming, composting, reducing, reusing, and recycling (3R’s),Tamariki are developing the ethic of care for the nature, a responsibility, and a commitment to caring for Papatuanuku.
Our Tamariki has shown the capacity to understand environmental issues and make change in their lives, i.e. Tamariki were found checking for triangles on plastic items to make sure they can be recycled.
Our ecologically-aware Kaiako engage the Tamariki in intentional teaching pedagogies and encourage children to understand sustainability issues such as water conservation, rubbish reduction, reuse of resources, recycling of material etc. and how they could be an active citizen within the wider community