Learning about the Moana and its creatures

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This March, we have been busy celebrating sea week and learning all about Moana here at BestStart Remuera Road.

We have been very busy celebrating Sea Week through lots of avenues of play such as art/crafts, play dough, stories both traditional and tamariki sharing their experiences and ideas as well as water and sensory play.

Tamariki engaged in a variety of art experiences creating sea creatures through observational painting, fine motor skills using droppers and much more! Through these art experiences tamariki were extending their knowledge of these sea creatures and the features of their bodies as well as being creative. 

During sea week we also discussed about we can be the guardians or the Kaitiakitanga of the moana and save the moana animals.

Through our conversations, books and videos we also discovered about all the rubbish that is in the sea, this was shocking so we had a kōrero about how we could help, some friends thought of picking up any rubbish we saw at the beach, at our own playground so that it doesn’t go to the drains, others said the wind could blow rubbish there from the park so we had better check the parks for rubbish too, what fabulous ideas! 

Sea Week has been a very positive experience for us here at BestStart Remuera Road, we have all learnt so much, and just because Sea Week has finished doesn’t mean our learning or looking after the sea has!!