Learning from eachother

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Tuakana-Teina refers to the relationship between an older person (tuakana) and a younger person (teina). Literally translated it means “older sibling-younger sibling”. 

In early childhood education and care, you might hear people use tuakana-teina to talk about teaching and learning in four different ways: 

• child-to-child – teina teaches teina, tuakana teaches tuakana.
• Younger to older – the teina has some skills in an area that the tuakana does not and is able to teach the tuakana.
• Older to younger – the tuakana has the knowledge and content to pass on to the teina.
• Able to less able – the learner may not be as able in an area, and someone more skilled can teach what is required. 

Tuakana-Teina is more than just a mentoring and educational approach here at Best start- Napier Central, we value this approach. Our tuakana is a support person and adviser for our teina and our teina gives our tuakana a chance to learn new things and meet new people. 

Tuakana-teina is also an approach that maintains and strengthens relationships right across our centre you will often see our older children (tuakana) take on a mentoring and leadership role as they help your younger (teina) to transition into Te Wheke House (kindergarten) from Paua House (infants and toddlers)