Learning through Manipulative Play


Within the kōtare rūma we have observed the tamariki's growing interest in manipulative play. The tamariki have been discovering different forms of manipulative play through dance, music, and building out of different textures and resources, as examples. 

By supporting the tamariki's interest in manipulative play we are able to help expand on the tamariki's knowledge and understanding of analysing, problem-solving as well as sharing and supporting forms of communication between the tamariki and kaiako. 

The tamariki have been able to engage in activities such as gloop, kinetic sand, painting with cars and many more enjoyable manipulative activities.

These activities have followed the tamariki's interests and offered them tamariki opportunities to expand on their already growing developments. 

These activities of manipulative play are also a great focus for allowing the tamariki to gain understanding of working and playing alongside one another and picking forms of verbal and nonverbal communication skills. 

We also offer the opportunity for the tamariki to rediscover and observe their own learning journey by displaying photos of the tamariki engaging in their manipulative play. This is an excellent way for the tamariki to revisit and respond to their own learning.